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Home Page > Writing > SEO

The Future of Search

by Brad Hines 4-19-16, 7:20 pm

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Bing Network for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.

The Future of Search

We are now said to be in the dawn of the web 3.0 world. The world’s digital space has evolved a long way from AOL, Portal sites, and forums. The future of search is contextual, conversational, local, mobile, adaptive, and dynamic. 2.5B questions are asked to Cortana via mobile as an example of local, mobile, social aspects of the Internet not existing 10 years ago. Many of these enquiries are about what is local in the area. For example, a person gets off the plane in Atlanta, and they ask their phone “where is a good bakery?”.

Increasingly, search is going to become less Boolean, and more semantic and intuitive, namely understanding conversational styles of speaking, like a person asking a direct question (semantic search).

Local search is increasingly becoming a major facet in search for brick and mortar businesses. As the digital space becomes contextual, it behooves store owners to keep their business ahead by being able to signal, literally, “here is where we are located”. As mobile search rises, as a corollary to having searches for what is nearby, and that’s you and your business.  There are a few key ways to go about doing this in both “on page” and “off page” fashion.


In the web 3.0 world, the search is tailored to you. For example, based on your search history, it may become apparent that you are not looking for a certain term. As such, when you search for a homonym term, intelligent results will deliver to you what is known that you and only you are looking for.

Predictive search is another component of personalization, when from your history, predictions can be made about the types of information you’d wish to make inquiries on, before you even know you want to make those inquiries.

Compared to only 5 years ago when the Internet was much more static and homogenous, the types of data, now pervasive online, are broken up into a wide array of categories some of which have only existed for the last few years: Think apps, review sites, forums, video, social media etc. For example, Bing is now utilized by companies to perform search for many companies outside of Microsoft, like Yelp’s local search options, Twitter’s real time translations, maping for Uber vehicles, and more.

Humanization of Search

As terabytes of information are added to the world’s digital space at a frantic pace, so does the need to search through it all. If there is anything that can be guaranteed, it's that people will continue to seek contentment in finding the information they need, fast, and at that moment. Learn more about Bing Network

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Brad Hines photo picture imageAbout the writer: Brad Hines is the president of, and the founder of He is a digital marketing and social media strategist. A writer as well, he typically writes about Internet, e-commerce, marketing, personal finance and lifestyle. He has bylines at Entrepreneur, Huffington Post, Techopedia, Elephant Journal, Learnvest and more. He loves food and is a self-taught cook.


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